Thom Bierdz appeared as a guest on Soap Central Live on Friday, October 15. In the interview, the actor discussed his personal triumphs and tragedies, his art, and his message to gay teens. • To listen to the show for free, visit: Soap Central Live [Episode 1.40] |
In Y&R's fictional story, Bierdz's alter ego faked his own death in 1989 because he was unable to come to terms with his homosexuality. In real life, though, Bierdz is an openly gay performer. Sadly, Thom has personally experienced the effects of suicide within his own family, and he shared those experiences in his memoir, Forgiving Troy.
"I'm well familiar with the kind of prejudice and anxiety and loneliness that comes from being a gay teen," Bierdz shares in a personal video. "Life gets better. Life gets easier."
In addition to offering words of encouragement, Bierdz has announced that the American Art Awards is waiving its entry fee for gay teens who want to submit artwork that reflects their feelings.